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Agricultural Census


The 2007 Census of Agriculture identified approximately 326,000 hectares of land in farms. This represents a decline of 81,624 hectares representing just over 20 per cent since 1996. Approximately 62 per cent of the land in farming may be classified as active farm land; that is land allocated to crops and pasture.

Area in Farming in Jamaica 1996 and 2007
Items 2007 1996 Change 1996-2007
Area in Hectares Percent of Total Area in Hectures Percent of Total Absolute Change Percent Change
Total Land in Farming 325,810 100.0 421,550 100.0 -95,740 -22.7
Active Farmland 202,727 62.2 273,229 64.8 -70,502 -25.8
Crops 154,524 47.4 177,580 42.1 -23,056 -13.0
Pasture 48,203 13.8 95,649 22.7 -47,446 -49.6
Inactive Farmland 114,048 35.0 134,204 31.8 -20,157 -15.0
Ruinate and Fallow 80,560 24.7 87,300 20.7 -6,740 -7.7
Woodland and other land on farm 33,488 10.3 46,905 11.1 -13,417 -28.6
Land identified to be in farming but not information reported 9,035 2.8 14,116 3.2    
Note: preliminary data subject to change

Land in crops declined by over 23,000 hectares between 1996 and 2007 but represented a higher proportion of farmland in 2007. The approximately 154,500 hectares in crops in 2007 represented 47 per cent of farmland. The 177,580 hectares in crops in 1996 accounted for approximately 42 per cent of the total land in farms. In relation to land in pasture, the 48,200 hectares reported in 2007 was just about 50 per cent less than the approximately 95,600 hectares reported in 1996. In relation to the parish distribution, the parishes with the largest proportion of the total land in farming reported are: Clarendon (14 per cent), St Catherine (12 per cent), St Ann and Westmoreland (11 per cent). St Elizabeth which reported an estimated 11 per cent of farmland in 1996 accounted for 9 per cent of the total in 2007.

Area in Farms by Parish 1996 and 2007
Hectares Percent of Total Hectares Percent of Total
All Jamaica 325,810 100.0 407,434 100.0
St Andrew 8,354 2.6 6,743 1.7
St Thomas 22,257 6.8 25,134 6.2
Portland 16,201 5.0 18,620 4.6
St Mary 20,890 6.4 32,232 7.9
St Ann 37,099 11.4 53,081 13.0
Trelawny 24,803 7.6 33,208 8.2
St James 13,893 4.3 16,166 4.0
Hanover 9,751 3.0 18,582 4.6
Westmoreland 35,241 10.8 40,140 9.9
St Elizabeth 30,022 9.2 38,759 9.5
Manchester 24,521 7.5 23,839 5.9
Clarendon 44,856 13.8 58,275 14.3
St Catherine 37,922 11.6 42,655 10.5
Note: preliminary data subject to change